Tucker Carlson "addresses" a man called "Blake Neff's" resignation

Tucker Carlson is one of my least favorite people on the planet and I am not quiet about that fact, so I am not the least bit surprised that his top writer has been found out to be a racist and misogynist because more often than not I get that vibe from his show especially as of late. 
Being that this news broke over the weekend I couldn't wait to hear what Tucker and the crew would offer up in the way of condemnation of the man called Blake Neff's actions and they didn't disappoint. 

I watched the video and this is what I got from it: 

1) He starts off the video by distancing himself from Neff by making it sound like the guy just happens to work there. He tries to accomplish this by using the phrase "a man called Blake Neff..." that phrase suggests unfamiliarity and in this case that isn't true considering he has worked for the show and is considered the top writer, and Carlson himself reads all his first drafts not to mention the fact that Neff had worked with/for Carlson previously and we all know how the world works; it's not what you know, it's who you know. So the idea the Carlson vaguely knows of this man is completely laughable.

2) He then goes on to say "...for years since college..." trying to make the situation seem like it happened so long ago and that during that time Blake has changed and seen the error in his ways not to mention trying to give some legitimacy to the chat room by dropping in there that it was for law students therefore it couldn't be nearly as bad as they are saying or making it out to be. 

3) He tries to make us feel bad for Neff by saying he was "horrified" and "ashamed". Neff is only feeling those things because he got found out when he thought for sure no one would ever know. Why else go through all the trouble of posting things like that anonymously? He makes sure to throw in there again that he posted this stuff anonymously so as to keep that reasonable doubt alive that Neff isn't actually the one that said those things. 

4) He then goes on to say that those words are not associated with show and they do not condone them. At this point he sounds like he is scolding Neff for being careless with his racism and letting people catch him. Carlson doesn't specifically mention any thing about racism or misogyny he just uses ambiguous phrases and shitty platitudes to convey this shallow message of accepting people based on what they do and Fox will uphold that value even if they have to stand alone against all the other national news media outlets as if they are some moral beacon for society. 

5) Essentially as he is closing out, he loosely submits this idea that this is a smear campaign to make him, Fox, Trump, or whoever look bad and that one of the other less reputable news companies dug up some stuff from the past to further their cause and in the process ruin a good man's life. He says some crap about how righteousness has its costs and those "ghouls beating their chest in triumph over the destruction of a man.." will have to answer for it in the end. 

Basically he did exactly what I thought he would do; which is nothing.

Click here to see video


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