Ivanka on Jobs: "Have you tried getting one?? or maybe getting a new one?"

This is probably the hardest job she has ever had.
Ivanka, in her infinite wisdom, decided to bestow upon those of us that got laid off some advice: 

"Find Something New..."

Well, Ivanka, while that sounds easy enough it is far more complicated than just "finding something new". Typical response for someone that has never had to work for anything or actually look for a job because she is white, some would say she is attractive, and her father is filthy rich. How hard could her life have really been in a country the praises the ultra rich and condemns those who were born without a silver spoon in their mouth? 

What someone like Ivanka doesn't understand is that getting a job is hard enough as it is. With the job seeking market being saturated with people holding degrees, the competition for jobs is tough especially if you chose to forgo college. Couple that with the fact that it takes the average American between 9-11 weeks to find a job and the disparities in hiring between gender and race finding a job can be quite difficult and for some can take significantly longer than 11 weeks. 

Ivanka probably also hasn't considered the fact that jobs are disappearing; case in point, self check out. Self Check out isn't anymore convenient for us shoppers than having a cashier do it for us and yet we see stores moving to that direction thus eliminating those jobs and that is happening in wide variety of industries. With the advances in technology some jobs are just going to become obsolete and those people that didn't need advanced education to get those jobs are now forced to find a job with that same level of income in a different industry. 

Furthermore, Miss Ivanka probably hasn't considered how hard it is to change career fields. As I mentioned earlier the market is saturated with people holding degrees and those that have degrees will be preferred to candidates without degrees for some jobs and what is someone without a degree supposed to do when they were making $50k a year at their factory job that is no longer there? Companies don't like to hire people that don't have experience because they then have to train that person and who has the time to teach someone who doesn't know how to use Excel how to use Excel? No one, which is why people are pushed toward college but not everyone can afford college which would force them to take out loans, and if you do the research, the investment in college doesn't always pay off and can leave people in a worse financial situation. 

Ivanka and anyone on the hill supporting her message need to take a better look at the metrics and see that while finding something new sounds easy, it's up to them to make that possible for us to do by fixing pay inequality, helping create more jobs, and helping people get the training and education they need to continue being productive and valued workers and members of society. 


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