Joe Biden Keeps Proving Why He Would Be a Better President


Trump took office in 2016 and every day since then has been a slow crawl toward our current nightmare. With the economy in a K shaped recovery, there is no telling when the economy will truly bounce back, and with us heading toward cold and flu season, the Covid pandemic could get worse with people still not taking the virus seriously and Trump’s continued downplaying of the virus.

How did we get here?

I don’t think back in 2016 anyone would have seen that a pandemic would have happened under Trump’s watch, but what most people thought would happen did happen. Trump’s huge tax cuts for corporations lead to a huge loss of tax revenue in 2018; fast forward to 2020 and the government is arguing over how much it should cost to help the people in the country who need it during this pandemic which begs the question: If 2018 hadn’t seen such a large drop in tax revenue would the government be in a better position to help us now. Had Trump really been focusing on building a stronger economy why would you then risk a major loss in tax revenue? I can’t help but to think that the reason the economy is in such bad shape is because Trump’s plan for the economy only benefits the richest people in our country and it’s for that reason that rich people are all seeing profits during an economic downturn while people that aren’t rich are suffering.

The pandemic hit and Trump’s strategy was to play it down. Like it was no big deal. 200,000 dead and the virus living in the White House, Covid not Trump, and he is still downplaying it as if it’s not something people should be worried about. The estimate is that 400,000 people could be dead from this disease by the end of the year: that’s more than 4 years of WWII. It’s not hard to see why the country is in such poor shape, it’s because Trump is a terrible leader and he has more than proved that on numerous occasions. He proves that Joe Biden would be a better president just by being Trump, but Joe is winning all on his own.

Since throwing his hat in the ring for president, I cannot personally say I was a big fan of him. I knew of the work he had done with the Clinton Administration and the effects of that on the black community have been largely negative and their usage of the term “Super Predator” was definitely not something I enjoyed, but he said something I read in an article today that really cemented, in my mind, that he is the better person, and would be the better president. Biden said:

“The country is ready to be united, I believe,” he told a voter at the town hall. “We have to just change the way we talk to each other. Politics has become so mean and so ugly. We’ve gotta get rid of that. We gotta just start talking to each other like we respect each other.”

After reading that statement and coupling with his huge win during the debate, I no longer feel as though I am handcuffed to Joe Biden because Trump needs to be voted out; I feel like I am making the right choice because Joe is a better human being than Trump and that’s what we need as president. Someone that can be a human being and a good leader.


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