Joe Rogan, Texas, Freedom and covid??

Joe Rogan recently moved to Texas citing the reason being that they have more "freedom" there. Well, I guess he isn't wrong considering they just made it legal for social workers to turn away clients who have a disability or are LGBTQ. On Monday, the Texas State Board of Social Work Examiners voted unanimously Monday to change a section of its code of conduct that establishes when a social worker may refuse to serve someone. The code will no longer prohibit social workers from turning away clients on the basis of disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Wonder if that will be a topic on Joe's Podcast, oh wait, because he moved to Texas and got himself all of that freedom, someone on his staff may have caught Covid so now they all have to quarantine and get tested, but "mask's are for pussies", right Joe?? Enjoy that huge tax break and all that freedom, bro. 


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